July 31, 2024 - Library Department "Echo Seminar and Mentoring Program.
The University Library is an important resource center for its stakeholders, promoting and supporting research and lifelong learning within the university.
As information providers, such activity is essential to foster professional growth and enhance the service capabilities of the library staff. It also provides valuable opportunities to gain insights, refine skills, and stay updated on emerging trends in the field. Mostly, this improves individual competencies and strengthens skills and abilities to support the community it serves effectively.
Topics discussed and presented on this session are as follows: Echo Seminar on the recently concluded ALBASA 50th General Assembly, Seminar-Workshop 2024 by Dr. Marite P, Vargas, Chief Librarian; Library Services Overview, Utilization metrics, and Feedback analysis by Charmane Robledo, RL, Rizalyn Pillora, RL, and Jeanette Reyes RL, subsequently.
Additional discussions on “Best Practices on accessing the internet, wireless communication, and using a desktop computer, by Mr. Romeo Flores and Mr. Jorge Juaneza, and Online Benchmarking of other libraries and instructional media center presented by Mr. William Miaque, RL.and Mr. Joery Espinosa subsequently.